Sri Skanda Jyothi Puja Vidhanam - Continued...

By Sri Skanda's Warrior of Light

This is an atmartha puja performed in the home for the benefit of one's self and family. Any mistakes/shortcomings performed in the puja are accounted for at the end of the puja in the step - kshamapanam. In this step of the puja, one offers apologies & requests pardon for any shortcomings of one's puja. Learn the puja and then teach it to your children (if you have any) or to eager spiritual aspirants. They will benefit for the rest of their lives with an open channel to Lord Ganesha & Lord Murugan, who will bless them everyday.

Ready to begin?

1st - Pray to Lord Ganesha & Murugan - ask them to help you and bless you in your sincere endeavour to realize and develop a close relationship with God.

2nd - Decide on how much time you are willing to commit everyday (towards your spiritual sadhana/exercise).

    - 30 minutes = pancha (upachara puja)
    - 60 minutes = shodasa (upachara puja)
    - 90 minutes = raja (upachara puja)
    - 90 minutes = thiruppugal (vidhana shodasa upachara puja)

3rd - Click on the type of upachara puja you want to do (from the menu on your left-hand column) beneath the title: "Sri Skanda Jyothi Puja Vidhanam."



 Satguru Sivaya Subramuniya, Swami. Dancing with Siva. 5th ed. USA: Himalayan Academy, 1997.