Aum Jaya Jaya Mahavira Bhagavan Sri Skanda Namo Namaha
Victory, victory to the Great Hero Lord Skanda, whom we worship

Aum Jaya Jaya Maha-Jyoti Sakthi Saravanabhavayai Namo Namaha!
Victory, victory, Great Luminous Radiant Light Energy Saravanabhavayai whom we worship.

thought for the day #253

"On this special day, I speak with fervor as a general who sees destruction ahead if the army does not obey instructions. My instructions are: daily prepare your minds with alertness to that which is around you, with kind thoughts towards all; your hearts must flow with unconditional Love; and your bodies must be strong and firm. Steadfastness of your whole being should be your way."

"I, Skanda, Son of Siva, have spoken."

Monday, September 9, 2024


About TFTD:
Thought For The Day (TFTD) messages are excerpts taken from Skanda, a book by Hilda Charlton, which contains Bhagavan Sri Skanda's original divine directives. These sacred discourses are made into 365 brief oracles to help spiritual aspirants put to practice Sri Swaminatha's teachings in their daily lives. Everyday practice of these divine oracles with true devotion and faith bestows on the aspirant the blessings and love of Lord Skanda. This is the conviction and experience reported by devotees around the world as mentioned on the satsang page.

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