Lesson 9: Be Alert to Truth

By Sri Skanda, Son of Siva

"We have been seemingly apart for a while, but we have not been parted, for I have been watching over you and am ever with you. I, Skanda, have heard the calls and mantras said in my name by numbers of you.

"These are the days when alertness to the Truth of the voice of God within must be adhered to, even as warriors must listen to the commands of their general who has the maneuver planned and knows the battle will be won.

"The truth of the voice of the commander, God, must be carefully listened to within and the instructions followed. Do not listen to any false external instructions which come from the enemy camp to put the soldiers in the wrong place and in danger.

"Adhere to your inner command, and be sure the instructions are from your commander-in-chief, who dwells within the headquarters of your heart. Follow the commands explicitly and know. Then you will win the battle of Truth.

"Hold the banner of victory high. You are the victors if you choose to follow the clear instructions of Truth abiding within your heart. I, Skanda, will direct and give you the commands. Follow the commands faithfully and you will arrive on the mountaintop where my banner of Light can be placed as a beacon for others to follow. Be my leaders, leading the despairing, the downtrodden, the faltering, onward through the battlefield of life to victory.

"I am ever with you if you choose to play the part of Warrior of Truth. Spread my message. Let all who come your way know they can win the battle of life when they go forth with faith and Love.

"Be a brave leader on the battlefield, for I, Skanda, ride on my valiant companion, the peacock Myol, in front of you to beckon you on.

"I, Sri Skanda, Son of Siva, have spoken."