45. Aiyadigal Kadavarkon
(pronunciation = 'aiy-adi-gal kaa-davar-kOn')
By Swami Sivananda Aiyadigal Kadavarkon Nayanar was a Pallava king who ruled over Kanchi. He infused the spirit of Saivism into his people. Soon he got disgusted with worldly life, renounced the world, after installing his son in his place, and undertook a continuous pilgrimage of the various shrines singing hymns in Siva's praise wherever he went. Lord Siva was highly pleased with Aiyadigal Kadavarkon's devotion and blessed him with His darshan. This king has set an example for all kings and social leaders to follow. Leaders should be the best example for their followers. They should encourage the masses to walk the path of virtue and Godliness. Otherwise, they live in vain! What is more, they take upon their shoulders a good part of the sins of their followers, for they are responsible for those sins. Aiyadigal Kadavarkon Nayanar lives in our hearts even today because he served his subjects both by precept and by his own personal example. He taught them; he encouraged them; and, finally, by his own life of renunciation and whole-hearted devotion of the Lord, set a glorious example for them to emulate. Such is the life of an ideal leader.
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